Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Project 7

Here it is. Project number 7. With this project we had to make something similar to project 6 with the synth, but all on our own. We had to make a song using synth and putting that through the riff machine. I chose a standard saw wave, i put it through the riff machine and found a riff i liked. i added some drums to it. But it didnt sound like the pitch i was look for so i went back into the synth and riff machine and edited the pitch to a sine wave instead of a saw. It sounded just what i was looking for. I stayed with the riff machine pattern it gave me earlier because i liked it. I added a nice beat in pattern one and let the beat build. The main climax in my song is deffinitely the second synth. Right after the first synth ended i added a little bit of vocals. Just a guy saying, "That was cool." and used it to really start out my second synth. It seems like it grew from the first synth into what it is now. To me thats where it really picks up. Throughout this song i mainly used the KIck, Clap, Hat, and Snair. I used those through patterns 1-4. I made each drum loop i made to just the sound i wanted it to fit with my song and, i think it came out great. It was deffinitely one of my favorites. I hope you all feel the same way.


  1. Wow matt that was cool. i like how you use the vocals it made me laugh and added a nice peice to your loop.i also liked how it was very upbeat and you had it change half way through completely.

  2. I like the first pattern very much. There is a cool sounding "clang" bell-like part that breaks up the cascading fluffy of notes from the first synth. I think it could have used more bottom in the way of a stronger kick drum sound or a bass synth.
    In the bridge, the main synth goes a bit too high- out of it's expressive register- and starts to beak up. Again, no bass.
    I was looking though your posts for some descriptive information about your synth settings but didn't find too much.
