Tuesday, December 22, 2009

today i am still working on my project 7. i didnt add much i just made the peice that i already made sound a little better. i added a higher pitch bass and it sounds a lot better than before. it will be done soon. i hope u all will like it.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Today i got started on project 7. I found a dound in sytrus and put it in the piano roll. Then i used the riff machine and it gave me quite a good sound. then i added starndard beats like kick snair hat, est. i added a bass but i think it is too low so i will change that bass to a higher note next time.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today i commented on my classmates posts then mr. rabuse introduced project 7 to us. i think i will do well on the project but he said that out file is only worth 50 points and our post is worth 150 points. so i'll have to be a little bit more descriptive of what i did in this project

Friday, December 11, 2009

Project 5

With this project, project 5, i had a little trouble saving so i actually did the project 3 times. which was kind of frustrating. I finally did it a third time and saved it correctly. so that is why it is so late. But with this project, we had to use vocodex which changes the pitch of your sound. Alsowe had to make a loop with it, whichi added standard drums, a turntable and a bass to even it all out. i am happy with my work but dissapointed i had to do it three time. well i hope you all enjoy!

Project 6

In this past project. project #6, we were introduced to sytrus. Whcich was very cool playing around with it and making cool sounds. We then had to make a drum loop with this and add the sytrus which we put into the riffmachine. I added drums and and made a beat with the riff machine and this is what i came up with. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today we continued with the project we left off on last week, the sytrus project. i finished and im ready to upload next class. i hope you all will enjoy!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Today is my first day back from being absent all week. but i started where i left off last class i was here and went from there and i think im pretty much caught up. i'm using the vocoder that i made earlier and adding things to it like standard drum beats and turning it into a loop. i think its coming along well so far.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Today we went a a website called freesounds.org and picked out a noise or sound clip that we liked. i chose a guy saying hey dude and telling me to pick up my phone. haha. i put it in Fl studio and put bright and vocodex on it. and changed the pitch to really high. it sounds really cool.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Preoject 4

Project 4 was on animation, what i did was i took a standard loop and i animated the keys with the master volume. Which made it sound really cool. Next i just had to finish my loop by making standard patterns like the drums. I hope you like it!

Monday, October 26, 2009

project 3

This recent project we did, project 3, was probably the most complex sound of music that i have made with this technology. I used reverb, chorus, echo and more, which made it sound very high tech or like it was actually recorded in a studio or room. What i was looking for in the sound or genre of this project was more along the lines of a techno sort of loop. I wanted it to sound new and from the future. i think i got what i was looking for. check it out

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Project 2

On this project, it seemed to be more confusing than the first one. I had a little bit of trouble. First i started off looking for a hip-hop sort of beat. Then it turned into kind of a techno sort of thing which is fine. I added simple sounds like the kick and chopped it up to get the sound in the beginning. I did that with every sound i used. i hope you like it!

Monday, September 14, 2009

When I started my drumloop,I had a basic kick, snare, hat, and clap. I was going for kind of a hip/hop theme, but not everything worked for the sound i wanted. So i searched the browser under hip/hop and found some cool beats that i liked. I added in the tom tom, and a new snare, and started my loop. When i started, i had a little trouble using the beats at the right time. But i finally got the sounds i wanted by experimenting. So here it is...

Friday, September 4, 2009